Wednesday, October 3, 2012

A new worst job at the vineyard

There's a new 'worst job at the vineyard'. The vineyard is owned by my friends Trevor Deaker and Mark Borrie who I'm staying with while I'm in Dunedin. Eight Ranges Wines is based in Alexandra and I've been helping them for quite a few years.

We drove up to Alex on Friday night; there are always jobs to do. This weekend we undid, flushed and re-did up the irrigation pipes and lifted wires. The new worst job is brushing the 200+ filters in the irrigation pump to remove fresh water snail eggs.

Of course there's always time to catch up with old friends; Kay and Evan Moore from Aravin and John Matheson from Drumsara.

 Kay, Evan, Mark, Trev, John at the waterfall party

We also had a visit from friends Aimee and Tony Rae and their almost two-year old son Maxwell.

Some pics from the vineyard for you to enjoy.

Tussock chasing bunnies

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